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Selection of our iCEO Expert Papers

The selection of our iCEO expert papers gives you a first insight into the level of experience, competence and business knowledge of our vetted international executives. Subscribe to our blog and newsletter to receive the latest iCEO expert papers published on a regular basis.

CEO Papers

Corporate Governance For Growing Companies

Author: Frank Lewis, CEO, UK, iCEO #51113

Corporate Governance is the system of processes, activities, standards and reporting to facilitate and deliver growth in long term shareholder value by reducing risk while maintaining a flexible, efficient and effective management framework within an entrepreneurial environment.https://www.ceo-worldwide.com/blog/corporate-governance-for-growing-companies/ Read more...

HR Papers

How to contract a Business Development Executive

Author: Simon Gall, VPHR, UK, iCEO #30221

Welcome to our latest Expert File, "How to contract a Business Development Executive" written by Simon Gall, one of our certified iCEO. Since 1996, Simon Gall has founded five high technology/ media companies; he was also a board advisor at five companies and had Interim Director roles at eight companies. Read more...

Sales & Marketing Papers

Don’t write short texts. Write concise ones

Author: Philip Yaffe, VPSM, Belgium, iCEO #32896

If you are puzzled by this admonition, it is probably because you have been led to believe that "short" and "concise" are synonyms. They aren’t.My dictionary shows two definitions for "concise":
1. Brief and to the point
2. Short and clear
If "short" is already part of the definition of concise, they cannot be synonyms. There must be a difference. So what is it, and how does it affect your writing? People pay attention to texts that catch and hold their interest. Once that inte Read more...

White Papers

Disruptive Innovation Absorption Methodology: K³.P.I

Author: Alex Chenevier, CEO, France, iCEO #62158

In this White Paper, Alex Chenevier goes indepth into the mechanics of disruptive innovation. In this article he offers a consolidated view of his previous publication, (before introducing his disruptive innovation methodology) by recording his research itinerary and extracting three intertwined progresses (the knowledge space, the path dependency and knowledge fusion), ultimately surfacing a unified model. The scientific equation of K3ey Performance IndicatorSM is perhaps the first definite, quantifiable and measurable model, and therefore applicable in business terms. Read more...

Case Studies

Rakesh Shah (RVR Management) was recruited to develop a detailed plan, and to identify how the company could achieve its growth objectives.

Author: Rakesh Shah, Other, UK, iCEO #62822

What would you do, when you have an ambitious growth plan that you must meet and at the same time your revenue is declining? Would you increase the pressure? Or get external help? This might just be the best solution, as these case studies show. Read more...

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