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Selection of our iCEO Expert Papers

The selection of our iCEO expert papers gives you a first insight into the level of experience, competence and business knowledge of our vetted international executives. Subscribe to our blog and newsletter to receive the latest iCEO expert papers published on a regular basis.

CEO Papers

Innovation is brains, toil, fun and sweat

Author: Olivier Pujol, CEO, France, iCEO #43685

Olivier Pujol practiced innovation in all sorts of organizations, from the smallest (2 people) to the largest (>100.000) for 20 years. He witnessed failure and success, and sometimes, he participated, to failure and to success. In his Expert File he investigates the winning approach and losing formulas, how collective intelligence breeds innovation and looks at the four phases of innovation.https://www.ceo-worldwide.com/blog/innovation-is-brains-toil-fun-and-sweat/ Read more...

HR Papers

A Tip on the Long Tail of Top Management

Author: Avigdor Luttinger, VPHR, Switzerland, iCEO #26299

Taking risks is inherent in top management roles, but some often suppressed aspects are isolation and doubt. With the increase of economic and political uncertainly and complexity, top managers need to be able to ponder alternatives and decisions with stakeless peers – something that they cannot find in their Boards or management groups. Read more...

White Papers

Innovation Insights - 5 Frequent Pitfalls

Author: Denis Rieu, CEO, France, iCEO #848

The "5 common pitfalls to avoid in change leadership" white paper has been written by C. Gillet and Denis Rieu, one of our certified iCEOs. Denis was previously Marketing Manager of Sony France, entrepreneur in the field of consumer electronics, country manager of a Nasdaq listed B-to-C company and virtual mediation consultant. Denis Rieu has throughout his career fought against many forms of resistance to change and innovated permanently. He has always worked to support innovation and communication in multinational and multicultural environments. Read more...

Case Studies

Rakesh Shah (RVR Management) was recruited to develop a detailed plan, and to identify how the company could achieve its growth objectives.

Author: Rakesh Shah, COO/Managing Director, UK, iCEO #62822

What would you do, when you have an ambitious growth plan that you must meet and at the same time your revenue is declining? Would you increase the pressure? Or get external help? This might just be the best solution, as these case studies show. Read more...

  • Call us: USA +1 646 583 1584 | UK +44 203 137 2581 | France +33 970 448 419 | Germany +49 89 5480 3739 | India +91 124 663 7651

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